Sunday, October 5, 2008

Two cute cousins

Cooper wants to play with Avery soooo bad. He would bring cars over to him, but Avery would just lay there.So, Cooper decided he might as well join Avery on the floor. It might be a while yet.
Things are looking up!


Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

haha that 1st pic of avery is so funny! he's just hangin out. these 2 are going to be unseperateable!!! coop is excited to have a boy closer to his age to play with!

Rydgd said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Your family is all grown up! It's so fun to see y'all!!! Shellee, you haven't aged a DAY (no pun intended)! What's your secret?:) And Jamee and Harrison and David Ballard...oh, my word...where has the time gone! So wonderful to see you again...Can I add you to my blog list? Already done :)